@TU_Muenchen 4 years ago
The European Research Council is funding research projects at our university with two Advanced Grants and a Proof of Concept Grant. Congratulations to our scientists! http://go.tum.de/002331 #ERCgrants #EUfunded #computervision #statistics #bigdata #parkinsons #medicalsoftware
@HubBucketArrow 5 years ago
If #MachineLearning and #DeepLearning #Algorithms cannot be explained, then #Medical #Researchers have NO CHANCE at discovering cures for #diseases. #Medical #Researchers deal with Neural Networks created by Nature which are more complex. ✔️#Alzheimers ✔️#Parkinsons ✔️#Cancer https://t.co/einB2HFaAB
@engadget.com 6 years ago
IBM fingernail sensor tracks health through your grip
@engadget.com 6 years ago
MIT built a health-tracking sensor that can ‘see’ through walls
@engadget.com 6 years ago
GSK to use 23andMe’s DNA library in drug development
@extremetech.com 7 years ago
‘Locked-in’ ALS patients get a voice thanks to this new mind-reading machine