@jeanne_shen 1 year ago
It was an honor presenting on #MachineLearning/#AI for #oncology with medical AI luminaries @jnkath and @BarzilayRegina at #AACR23. Great to be working in such an exciting field at such an exciting time with such awesome people https://twitter.com/jnkath/status/1647355990386384898
@cjweight 3 years ago
Want to learn how #AI and #MachineLearning are already impacting medicine and a peek into the future? Join us for an AI in #oncology symposium borne out of a collaboration between @caseccc @UHhospitals @CleClinicUro @ClevelandClinic It will be exciting! https://case.edu/cancer/events/artificial-intelligence-oncology
@AlexJohnLondon 5 years ago
This paper is open access for a limited time and should be of interest to folks in #medicine #radiology #oncology and #al #MachineLearning #ml #philosophy #ethics please share while it is available for free. https://twitter.com/alexjohnlondon/status/1098740848240615424
@ahier 6 years ago
Sorting out artificial intelligence in #healthcare/#medicine#ai #machinelearning #radiology #diagnosis #oncology… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/864185888569311232
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @xeni: I still have medical slides of my tumor tissue. Would be interesting to know if I coulda avoided chemo, so wild. https://twitter.com/xeni/status/768635590052982784
@LguzzardiM 7 years ago
Genetics Labs Hoarding #Hereditarycancer Patient #BigData Could Be Impeding Care with @KDeutsch #BRCA @Newsweek http://www.newsweek.com/2016/07/29/war-over-cancer-patient-data-myriad-481608.html