@ipfconline1 1 year ago
We constantly face billions of bits of information So our brain must recast this maelstrom into simpler structures The Creation of Abstract Thoughts in the Brain https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-08-creation-abstract-thoughts-brain.html @medical_xpress #Neuroscience #HealthTech #AI #MachineLearning Cc @DeepLearn007 @ahier https://t.co/dKFEpG2KtD
@Innov_Medicine 1 year ago
Medical breakthrough: Brain neurons can now be imaged via @Seeker #AI #MachineLearning #neuroscience https://t.co/BP5XGAJaZK
@Innov_Medicine 1 year ago
Medical breakthrough: Brain neurons can now be imaged via @Seeker #AI #MachineLearning #neuroscience #CES2022 #Health #HealthTech #100daysofcode #dataScientist #medicaleducation #Science #womenintech #TechForGood #technology @TechAmazing https://t.co/BP5XGArzBa
@AkinleyeJoshua9 2 years ago
Yes, Location of the brain Tumor can be detected in real-time in a functional Magnetic Resonance Imagery, though the model isn't deployed yet #100DaysOfCode #MachineLearning #Python #JavaScriptDeveloper #medicine @google #neuroscience @TFBestPractices #DataScience #Neurology https://t.co/QSxgUWzP9z
@davorjord 4 years ago
Artificial Intelligence: DeepMing unlocks secrets of human brain using #AI learning technique #artificialintelligence #ML #DL #machinelearning #deeplearning #news #AI #tech #science #research #medicine #neuroscience https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/artificial-intelligence-deepmind-ai-human-brain-neuroscience-a9286661.html
@MATLAB 7 years ago
#Machinelearning could help scientists better predict seizures from brain signal data. Learn more: http://ow.ly/cEsU308uutc #neuroscience