@KU_ENT 2 years ago
Read about our cutting edge research leveraging #machinelearning to analyze complex data for clinical apps 🤓🧠 @drandresbur & @JenVillwockMD featured in Kansas Science + Medicine @KUMedCenter https://bit.ly/KUMedmagazine #ENTsurgery #WeAreOto #AugmentedIntelligence #MedTwitter https://t.co/ea8roT0ivo
@HPDSLab 3 years ago
We have a tool that does just this (extracting data and assembling it) for several different problems in medicine. Would love to get journal suggestions for receptive outlets. #MedTwitter #EpiTwitter #MachineLearning https://twitter.com/jonathanstray/status/1314633513832914944
@realColinMac 3 years ago
An autonomous vehicle called Kar-go is undergoing trials delivering medicine around London. Making delivery cheaper, more eco-friendly all while using #AI to find its route #MedTwitter #MachineLearning #automation #AutonomousVehicles #drones #healthcare https://t.co/WaEVv7k6Jh
@NadinHawwash 3 years ago
Excited for the next three years as an intercalating MB-PhD Student with #TeamRenehan before returning to Year 4 of Medicine. Thank you @MCRCnews for the inspiring welcome event! #PhD #cancer #obesity #statistics #bigdata #MedTwitter #medicine https://t.co/7KoXijC4y0
@MikeMcClurkinMD 4 years ago
Many in medicine feel that #tech and #datascience isn't for them. There is a real dislike and disregard for innovation in our field. I want to change that. #medtwitter
@BrandonPetersMD 4 years ago
Artificial intelligence and machine learning as applied to medicine and health data is often as much a blackbox as it sounds. #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #HealthTech #BigData #Biometrics #healthcare #futurism #sleep #WearableTech #wearables #medicine #medtwitter
@MikeMcClurkinMD 4 years ago
#medtwitter If you know the fundamentals of #ML #AI #datascience #SoftwareEngineering you can operate outside of academia or traditional research pathways. Technical knowledge in medicine is at such a premium, your possibilities are endless.