@TeamPatriot007 2 years ago
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { printf{"#AI #MachineLearning #MedicareForAll #DEEPWEB}; getch() #forex #GlobalGoals #women #hacker #flutter #python #100DaysOfCode #IoT #Linux #WomenWhoCode #cybersecurity #Blockchain #infosec #ada #ClimateAction #Coding #LINK https://twitter.com/NcAsthana/status/1450367869468831745
@TeamPatriot007 2 years ago
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { printf{"#AI #web3 #MedicareForAll #DEEPWEB}; getch() #forex #bot #Website #CodeNewbie #women #hacker #flutter #python #100DaysOfCode #ad #WomenWhoCode #tech #cybersecurity #Blockchain #DataScience #infosec #dotnet #ClimateAction https://t.co/IFnjOi6V8N
@HubeTabibee 2 years ago
Hepatitis E overview https://youtu.be/3yBHZ08nBhk via @YouTube #blog #DataScience #GitHub #javascript #Python #100DaysOfCode #DEVCommunity #hepatitis #media #MedicareForAll #Medical #MedTwitter #MentalHealthAwareness #mentalhealth #MentalHealthMonth
@import_jmr 3 years ago
#healthcare #Election2020 #Economic Impact of #ArtificialIntelligence https://bit.ly/2UaWTrm #DataScience #DigitalTransformation #TECH4ALL #SDGs #100DaysOfCode #DevOps #fintech #Insurtech #ML #AI #jobs #healthylifestyle #COVID__19 #data #innovation #pandemic #MedicareForAll https://t.co/CUcmXJWnVS
@JoeRosenbergLaw 3 years ago
#VoteHimOut Weak tea is better for public health than a toxic brew, we can live to fight another day, & look forward to creating Democracy anew. #MedicareForAll #GreenNewDeal #ImmigrationMatters #VotingRights #DefundThePolice #DataScience @newyorkcares https://t.co/en29RKaOV4
@stanleychen0402 5 years ago
Feb.26,2019 Article : both #Medicare and #healthcare are curing all of us #Heath Source ref. #AI #robotics #robot #AR #VR #datatransformation #DataScience #biotech #healthcare #MedicareForAll @fklivestolearn @kashthefuturist @Ronald_vanLoon @jdelacruz_IoT @NeurozoInnovat1 https://t.co/a5AgZbtn95