@Radiology_AI 3 years ago
Failure to consider human factors in past technologies led to poor usability and serious unintended errors https://doi.org/10.1148/ryai.2020190095 @RajRatwani @MedicalHFE #ux #ML #MachineLearning https://t.co/X5D72Rky4N
@milindkam 4 years ago
Chad is one of those rare people who expertly knows #gene technologies from the Human Genome Project to today. It is a pleasure to design and generate new data modalities with him and apply #MachineLearning to #smartdata to understand #cellbehavior for developing #medicines https://twitter.com/cellaritybio/status/1205554443275636736
@_areej 5 years ago
Thank you Dr. Mohamed for joining us @MIT's #MITSaudiHack for #Health It was remarkable to witness your heartfelt commitment for advancing medical innovation via research and technologies at the intersection of #machinelearning and human #health https://twitter.com/maldosari2008/status/1069371164521308160?s=19