@sonu_monika 2 years ago
Government to nurture AI-specializing medical scientists http://www.koreabiomed.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=12255 #Analytics #AI #MachineLearning #BigData #Data #Serverless #IoT #IIoT #flutter #EmergingTech #HealthTech #health #ArtificialIntelligence #NLP #cloud #DataScientist #Korea #Medical @sonu_monika
@import_jmr 3 years ago
The #robotic #doctor will see you now @MIT https://bit.ly/3rPTjm5 #roboticsurgery #AI #Health #healthtech #tech #technology #ComputerScience #100DaysOfCode #IoT #5G #DataScience #Coding #BigData #MachineLearning #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #ReactJS #Cloud #Linux #medicine https://t.co/DQ6pgeIxEN
@TamaraMcCleary 5 years ago
I talked with Dr. May Wang, #CTO @ZingboxSecurity on how they are using #AI and #MachineLearning to protect patients of connected #medical #IoT devices. Watch now => http://bit.ly/2SfUpFf via @DellTech #Health #HealthTech https://t.co/9ikFCj0lFK
@TamaraMcCleary 5 years ago
I recently interviewed Dr. May Wang, #CTO @ZingboxSecurity on how they are using #AI and #MachineLearning to protect patients of connected medical #IoT devices. Watch now => http://bit.ly/2SfUpFf via @DellTech #Health #HealthTech https://t.co/w9E73MqJDd
@TamaraMcCleary 5 years ago
I recently interviewed Dr. May Wang, #CTO @ZingboxSecurity on how they are using #AI and #MachineLearning to protect patients of connected medical #IoT devices. Watch now => http://bit.ly/2SfUpFf via @DellTech #Health #HealthTech https://t.co/eWzAh17cKt
@HealthierRec 5 years ago
This #MachineLearning powered #3Dprinted pen helps surgeons detect #cancer in seconds. #Digitalhealth #tech #news #ML #DL #AI #artificialintelligence #IoT #3Dprinting #mpgvip #bigdata #innovation #future #medical #automation #HealthTech #video #health #healthcare #care https://t.co/n2cZmvorXZ
@HealthierRec 6 years ago
This #MachineLearning powered #3Dprinted pen helps surgeons detect #cancer in seconds. #Digitalhealth #tech #news #ML #DL #AI #artificialintelligence #IoT #3Dprinting #mpgvip #bigdata #innovation #future #medical #automation #HealthTech #video #health #healthcare #care https://t.co/ZMq8PYUn8M
@MHiesboeck 6 years ago
This #MachineLearning powered #3Dprinted pen helps surgeons detect #cancer in seconds #Digitalhealth #tech #news #ML #DL #AI #artificialintelligence #IoT #3Dprinting #mpgvip #bigdata #innovation #future #medical #automation #HealthTech #video #health #healthcare #care https://t.co/uN1JICzGR0
@HealthierRec 6 years ago
This #MachineLearning powered #3Dprinted pen helps surgeons detect #cancer in seconds. #Digitalhealth #tech #news #ML #DL #AI #artificialintelligence #IoT #3Dprinting #mpgvip #bigdata #innovation #future #medical #automation #HealthTech #video #health #healthcare #care #IIoT https://t.co/lBOuaUbVzA
@HealthierRec 6 years ago
This #MachineLearning powered #3Dprinted pen helps surgeons detect #cancer in seconds. #Digitalhealth #tech #news #ML #DL #AI #artificialintelligence #IoT #3Dprinting #mpgvip #bigdata #innovation #future #medical #automation #HealthTech #video #health #healthcare #care https://t.co/KTDZRfqzsb
@2morrowknight 6 years ago
#ArtificialIntelligence🤖 is being used by medical professionals for "cancer detection" - an area where we saw some extraordinary breakthroughs last year. https://t.co/7Qc2EULuhP #aiforgood #AI #Health #IoT #HealthTech #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #bigdata #cancer #SmartCity