@Lago72 1 year ago
Gaps & opportunities for #Medical #Wearables in #digitalhealth HT @sonu_monika #health #SaaS #5G #DataAnalytics #Python #RStats #Reactjs #flutter #javascript #bot #TensorFlow #BigData #100DaysOfCode #Algorithms #Analytics #Data #NLP #IoT #bias #ehr #emr #telemedicine #IoT https://t.co/GXZynKpT40
@sonu_monika 1 year ago
Paralyzed People Can Navigate Using MindControlled Wheelchairalt #Medical #Wearables #digitalhealth #health #SaaS #5G #AI #Python #RStats #Reactjs #flutter #javascript #bot #TensorFlow #BigData #100DaysOfCode #Algorithms #Analytics #Data #NLP #IoT #ehr #telemedicine #innovative https://t.co/75YkssVg3j
@sonu_monika 1 year ago
#FDA’s list of #AI-enabled #Medical #devices #Wearables #digitalhealth #health #digitalhealth #SaaS #5G #AI #DataAnalytics #Python #RStats #Reactjs #flutter #javascript #bot #TensorFlow #BigData #100DaysOfCode #Algorithms #Analytics #Data #NLP #IoT #bias #ehr #emr #telemedicine https://t.co/CkJpE6fJrr
@digitalhealthxx 1 year ago
#code 1st vs #API 1st #development #Medical #Wearables #digitalhealth #health #digitalhealth #SaaS #5G #AI #DataAnalytics #Python #RStats #Reactjs #flutter #javascript #bot #TensorFlow #BigData #100DaysOfCode #Algorithms #Analytics #Data #NLP #IoT #bias #ehr #emr #telemedicine https://t.co/IgC7JhODXO
@sonu_monika 1 year ago
#code 1st vs #API 1st #development #Medical #Wearables #digitalhealth #health #digitalhealth #SaaS #5G #AI #DataAnalytics #Python #RStats #Reactjs #flutter #javascript #bot #TensorFlow #BigData #100DaysOfCode #Algorithms #Analytics #Data #NLP #IoT #bias #ehr #emr #telemedicine https://t.co/yVBxtYW15o
@sonu_monika 1 year ago
Gaps & opportunities for #Medical #Wearables in #digitalhealthalt #health #digitalhealth #SaaS #5G #DataAnalytics #Python #RStats #Reactjs #flutter #javascript #bot #TensorFlow #BigData #100DaysOfCode #Algorithms #Analytics #Data #NLP #IoT #bias #ehr #emr #telemedicine #IoT https://t.co/zJF5p3fQGc
@EAIsolutions 2 years ago
#AI can search and present #data to help people find complete #Health information, which can lead to more informed users. #EAI @EAIsolutions #Artificial_Intelligence #MachineLearning #Python #coding #Metaverse #IoT #Developers #blockchains #healthcare #HealthForAll #medical https://t.co/HuYeEo10VT
@Khulood_Almani 2 years ago
#Medical Modelling #Innovations for #Healthcare https://bit.ly/35A0LLA #Healthtech #DataScience #Data #Digital #AI #TechForGood #tech #innovation #IoT #Flutter #100DaysOfCode #coding #TensorFlow #python #javascript #devops #fintech #marketing #MWC2022 #MWC22 #DigitalMarketing https://t.co/o0iuwC5sNU
@fikafuntimes 2 years ago
How @neuralink #chip would be working! @elonmusk #AI #ML #medical #future #healthtech #tech #data #Engineering #Science #javascript #FemTech #Flutter #React #reactjs #Serverless #coding #Linux #IoT #100DaysOfCode #CES #DataScience #CES2022 #100DaysOfMLCode #WomenInScience https://t.co/Klz1XDgrE4
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
Government to nurture AI-specializing medical scientists http://www.koreabiomed.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=12255 #Analytics #AI #MachineLearning #BigData #Data #Serverless #IoT #IIoT #flutter #EmergingTech #HealthTech #health #ArtificialIntelligence #NLP #cloud #DataScientist #Korea #Medical @sonu_monika
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
#Stanford partners #Microsoft's #AI for #Health initiative to expand #medical #research #datasets  https://bit.ly/2VFsFRj #BigData #ArtificialIntelligence #Analytics #IIoT #IoT #ML #Python #DataScience #Data #Flutter #MachineLearning #healthcare #DigitalHealth @sonu_monika
@AUKenDog 3 years ago
#DriveThru #testing center @MayoClinic where #COVID patients get #medical supplies with this #AutonomousCar #MachineLearning #AI #Data #Analytics #IoT #5G #100DaysOfCode #CES2021 #innovation #health #tech @EvanKirstel @Paula_Piccard @Ronald_vanLoon @mvollmer1 @drdavidsamadi https://t.co/JyiraIkkxc
@chidambara09 3 years ago
#israeli #scientists kill cancer cells with ,,, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8975517/Israeli-scientists-kill-cancer-cells-ground-breaking-DNA-altering-treatment-CRISPR.html?ito=amp_twitter_share-top @MailOnline #bigdata #Medical #health Care #AI #IoT #Tech #Data #USA #Linux #UK #javaScript #FinTech #dataScience #dataScientist #WomenWhoCode #Rstats #FemTech #100daysOfCode #FRENCHtech #France #DNA
@chidambara09 3 years ago
#Baby who survived a #braintumour the size 2 #oranges returns #home https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-8803279/A-baby-survived-brain-tumour-size-two-oranges-returns-home-time-birthday.html?ito=amp_twitter_share-top @Femail #bigdata #AI #IoT #Tech #Data #USA #Linux #UK #javaScript #FinTech #dataScience #dataScientist #WomenWhoCode #Rstats #FemTech #100daysOfCode #FRENCHtech #France #MEDiCAL #WEbinar
@chidambara09 3 years ago
"HeartPAC FIT Perspective: Dr. Kyla Lara-Breitinger on #YouTube https://youtu.be/4ZYjfyXhKJI ThX @kylalaraMD #bigdata #AI #IoT #Tech #DATA #USA #Linux #UK #javaScript #dataScientist #dataScience #WomenWhoCode #Rstats #FemTech #100DaysOfcoDe #FRENCHtech #France #Medical #Scisnce
@chidambara09 3 years ago
#Antibodies against #coronavirus 'decline significantly within #weeks' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8719205/Antibodies-against-coronavirus-decline-significantly-weeks.html?ito=amp_twitter_share-top @MailOnline #bigdata #AI #IOT #Tech #DATA #Science #Medical #USA#FemTech #womenWhoCode #UK #dataScientist #dataScience #Linux #FRENCHtech #100daysofCode #RStats #Javascript #France
@chidambara09 3 years ago
HOW #DiGiTAL #technologies are reshaping the #medical #device #industry https://www.softwebsolutions.com/resources/digital-technologies-reshaping-healthcare-industry.html #bigdata #AI #IOT #Tech #DATA #USA #Defstar5 #FemTech #womenWhoCode #UK #datasecurity #IT #dataScientist #dataScience #Linux #FRENCHtech #100daysofCode #RStats #Javascript #France
@chidambara09 3 years ago
Circle #Medical says $14M from WELL #Health will enable low-cost #telehealth https://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/circle-medical-says-14m-well-health-will-enable-low-cost-telehealth-app-usage #bigdata #AI #IOT #Tech #DATA #healthCare #USA #Defstar5 #FemTech #womenWhoCode #UK #dataScientist #dataScience #Linux #FRENCHtech #100daysofCode #RStats #Javascript #France
@chidambara09 3 years ago
A #brain-inspired #architecture for #human gesture #recognition https://techxplore.com/news/2020-07-brain-inspired-architecture-human-gesture-recognition.html by Ingrid faDeLi #bigdata #AI #IOT #Medical #USA #london #FemTech #womenWhoCode #UK #Python #dataScientist #dataScience #Linux #FRENCHtech #100daysofCode #RStats #Javascript #France #Data
@MeFy_MeFy 5 years ago
IoT for me: How the internet of things is #personalizing #medicine - IoT Agenda https://internetofthingsagenda.techtarget.com/blog/IoT-Agenda/IoT-for-me-How-the-internet-of-things-is-personalizing-medicine #bitcoin #blockchain #Crypto #healthcare #IoT #India #Blockchain #Bitcoin #MEDICAL #DATA #MeFy #Cryptocurrency #decentralization #Healthcare #Machinelearning
@sadmanishrak 5 years ago
Detecting Diabetic Retinopathy Using Deep Learning on Intel® Architecture - By Intel AI (@IntelAI) https://intel.ly/2IsoCQe #ai #DeepLearning #MachineLearning #ML #datascience #data #medicine #health #diabetes #diabeticretinopathy #IoT #Medical https://t.co/6wZCIRwp7B
@MHiesboeck 6 years ago
This Brazilian #VR #startup could help make #medical procedures easier v/ @TheEconomist #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #ML #DeepLearning #DL #BigData #Data #InternetofThings #IoT #Video #Robotics #Technology #Innovation #Autonomous #VR #VirtualReality @GeberConsulting https://t.co/OCaeEwMwbE
@TWD913 6 years ago
Wearables can detect early signs of diabetes using machine learning https://www.slashgear.com/wearables-can-detect-early-signs-of-diabetes-using-machine-learning-08518699/ #tech #AI #machinelearning #NeuralNetworks #science #health #medical #fitness #data #analytics #IoT
@jimmygill 6 years ago
This #VR #startup could help make #medical procedures easier.via @TheEconomist#ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #ML #DeepLearning #DL #BigData #Data #IoT #Video #Robotics #Technology #Innovation #VR #VirtualReality #RT https://t.co/4BOcuDW0HB#ArtificialIntelligence
@MHiesboeck 6 years ago
This Brazilian #VR #startup could help make #medical procedures easier v/ @TheEconomist #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #ML #DeepLearning #DL #BigData #Data #InternetofThings #IoT #Video #Robotics #Technology #Innovation #Autonomous #VR #VirtualReality @GeberConsulting https://t.co/vTsrKC2krt
@Ronald_vanLoon 6 years ago
This Brazilian #VR #startup could help make #medical procedures easier.via @TheEconomist |#ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #ML #DeepLearning #DL #BigData #Data #InternetofThings #IoT #Video #Robotics #Technology #Innovation #Autonomous #VR #VirtualReality #RT https://t.co/dqkNJO7qPb
@BrianDColwell 6 years ago
The intersection of #healthcare & #it - #4ir #health #informatics #bigdata #iot #medical #innovation #medtech #machinelearning #data #ai https://t.co/PcaNUkcFQc
@Change_Alert 8 years ago
Interesting article on sharing #medical #data by #bigdata? http://gu.com/p/4deyf/stw #health #healthcare #IoT #healthtech #innovation #care