@NCInews 2 years ago
Our 2021-22 Annual Report is now available! Read about how NCI supports Australian researchers to do amazing #science, from the development of new #materials to personalised #medicine and modelling to better predict #extremeweather. https://bit.ly/NCIAR21-22 #HPC #bigdata https://t.co/7kGsPlPedg
@PROCESS_H2020 4 years ago
This very short video, by @hes_so, introduces you to Use Case 1 of PROCESS Project ▶️ How #HPC-powered #MachineLearning in Medical Imaging is improving #cancer detection. #Exascale #Supercomputing #BigData @mormontre @MedGIFT_group https://www.process-project.eu/use-case-in-a-nutshell/
@PROCESS_H2020 4 years ago
This infographic provides an overal view of PROCESS´s use case 1 - "#Exascale Learning in Medical Image Data" 🧬 ✅ What is it about? ✅ What is it for? ✅ Why we do it? ✅ How we do it? ✅ What we will get? #HPC #MachineLearning Download it here https://www.process-project.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/PROCESS_Infographic_UC1_Medical_Imaging.pdf https://t.co/99BDQ2JHMw
@sallyeaves 4 years ago
From theoretical #chemistry to real-world applications for #medicine & #climate Leveraging #HPC in #research simulations at @univienna Excellent article @MarkusOppel @HPE_HPC #HPC #DigitalTransformation #HPEInfluencer #Science #MachineLearning #AI #tech https://infl.tv/iiYt
@LosAlamosNatLab 4 years ago
Los Alamos is focusing its scientific and technical capabilities in response to #COVID19 in several key areas: modeling, laboratory testing options, manufacturing, application of #AI and #MachineLearning, medical countermeasures, and #HPC | https://www.lanl.gov/updates/covid-19-science.php
@Deep_In_Depth 5 years ago
Google proposes hybrid approach to AI transfer learning for medical imaging https://buff.ly/38my0ir #DeepLearning #MachineLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #DataScience #DL #ML #DS #AI #DNN #NeuralNetworks #NLP #GPU #TensorFlow #Keras #Pytorch #Python #HPC #Automation
@DSMeu 6 years ago
New medicines could be developed faster thanks to high performance computing & #machinelearning. Read this story about an EU-supported project http://bit.ly/2Or4zRH #EuroHPC #HPC #HealthTech https://t.co/gf62ur9HCL
@DSMeu 6 years ago
We can save money and lives if we use more #supercomputers in medicine, transport or energy. But we need to have more powerful machines in Europe to process large amounts of data quickly & accurately. http://bit.ly/2mpeNbw #HPC #BigData #EuroHPC #EUBudget https://t.co/1k3LXcFJzM
@DSMeu 6 years ago
Europe has a major deficit in high performance #computing. The ability to quickly analyze #bigdata will directly impact the results of industry, research or medicine. That's why we need to increase investments in #supercomputing http://bit.ly/2mpeNbw #EUBudget #euroHPC #HPC https://t.co/ywpk1wJlLz
@DSMeu 6 years ago
#Supercomputers make healthcare more accurate & faster: they reduce the time to develop new drugs or analyse #bigdata to better predict diseases. Here's what medicine of the future will look like http://bit.ly/2kJDVXQ #HPC #digitalhealth #ahacop18 https://t.co/luiWkunQyC
@DSMeu 7 years ago
#Supercomputers in medicine: they reduce the necessary time to develop new drugs, improve disease prediction based on #bigdata analysis or make diagnosis more accurate. Welcome to Hospital 2.0 http://bit.ly/2kJDVXQ #HPC #digitalhealth #HealthTech https://t.co/INnzYDE5MB
@DSMeu 7 years ago
Did you know that #supercomputers are extremely helpful in medicine, transport or weather forecasting? That's why Europe needs to have a powerful computing infrastructure http://bit.ly/2A2JRjm #HPC #H2020 #BigData https://t.co/XZBWZv58zz
@nyumchpc 8 years ago
Nothing in life is free...except use of our #HPC if you're a researcher affiliated with @NYULMC #BigData #Medicine #Science #IT
@ChrisMustain 8 years ago
Prescription for better medical devices & drugs? #Supercomputers & #BigData - http://bit.ly/2aekpeU | #HPC @HHSGov @ABPI_UK @Clin_Trials
@PLarroye 8 years ago
How #BigData and #HPC can help to fight against #Alzheimers ? => http://klou.tt/qhcg5v9o3jlp #AI #Analytics #deeplearning #ehealth #mhealth
@PLarroye 8 years ago
How #blockchain contributes to #BigData and #HPC? => http://klou.tt/oc77v7znlku2 #fintech #bitcoin #Analytics #atos