@AI_Advice 1 year ago
#Healthcare: #AI Predicts #Autism in Children from Medical Data https://bit.ly/3Fcr6z5 #5G #100DaysOfCode #Analytics #ArtificialIntelligence #BigData #Cloud #Data #DataScience #IoT #MachineLearning #ML #NLP #OpenSource #Python #Serverless #TScottClendaniel #WomenWhoCode https://t.co/5LXIQZ6j4L
@sonu_monika 1 year ago
#FDA approvals for #ArtificialIntelligence based #Algorithms in #medicine #BigData #Analytics #IoT #AI #ML #TensorFlow #Python #DataScience #RStats #TensorFlow #Data #digitalhealth #bot #wearables #Serverless #100DaysOfCode #Flutter #Cloud #healthcare #NLP #startups #innovation https://t.co/ubEH3vbHxA
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
From #AI model to #medicaldevice:Why #algorithm is only fraction of work https://www.aidence.com/articles/ai-algorithm_to_medical_device/?cn-reloaded=1 #healthcare #DataScience #Python #Analytics #Data #flutter #Serverless #neuralnetwork #NLP #digitalhealth #Blockchain #datasets #health #BigData #Rstats #IoT #Artificial_Intelligence https://t.co/mNv0g69rlM
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
Could Russian #Hackers cripple US #healthcare systems? https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-03-russian-hackers-cripple-health.html #cybersecurity #TechForGood #MWC22 #javascript #NLP #DataScience #Flutter #serverless #sensors #100DaysOfCode #python #Wearable #womenintech #publichealth #AI #femtech #tech #medicine #digitalhealth
@bigdataconf 2 years ago
#Machinelearning system flags remedies that might do more harm than good https://buff.ly/3oJ1X6q #Healthcare #technology #Artificialintelligence #Algorithms #Medicine #DataScience #DeepLearning #NLP #NoSQL #IoT #TensorFlow #Serverless #Kubernetes #R #Python #AutoML #DataBase