@sonu_monika 2 years ago
#Stanford partners #Microsoft's #AI for #Health initiative to expand #medical #research #datasets  https://bit.ly/2VFsFRj #BigData #ArtificialIntelligence #Analytics #IIoT #IoT #ML #Python #DataScience #Data #Flutter #MachineLearning #healthcare #DigitalHealth @sonu_monika
@HarbRimah 2 years ago
We Should Test AI the Way the FDA Tests Medicines https://hbr.org/2021/06/we-should-test-ai-the-way-the-fda-tests-medicines #MachineLearning #DataScience #AI #DEVCommunity #flutter #javascript #Serverless #CyberSecurity #Digital #innovation #DeepLearning #COVID19 #data #5G #technology #healthcare #Health #MEDTECH #FDA
@NancyTr83158469 3 years ago
⭕️This is how Japanese ingenuity saving lives by using #AI #algorithms! Via @abhishek__AI #healthcare #HealthTech #DataScience #ML #Medical #Futurework #engineering #innovations #Health #data #tech #FemTech #100DaysOfCode #100DaysOfMLCode https://twitter.com/abhishek__AI/status/1353699061984059392
@NancyTr83158469 3 years ago
✳️New synthetic molecule can kill the flu! #HealthTech #healthcare #medicine #Medical #industry #research #disease #DataScience #DevOps #FemTech #100DaysOfCode #100DaysOfMLCode #data http://actu.epfl.ch/news/new-synthetic-molecule-can-kill-the-flu-virus/ #epfl #health #research https://twitter.com/RagusoSergio/status/1339637312314105861
@chidambara09 3 years ago
Circle #Medical says $14M from WELL #Health will enable low-cost #telehealth https://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/circle-medical-says-14m-well-health-will-enable-low-cost-telehealth-app-usage #bigdata #AI #IOT #Tech #DATA #healthCare #USA #Defstar5 #FemTech #womenWhoCode #UK #dataScientist #dataScience #Linux #FRENCHtech #100daysofCode #RStats #Javascript #France
@Change_Alert 8 years ago
Interesting article on sharing #medical #data by #bigdata? http://gu.com/p/4deyf/stw #health #healthcare #IoT #healthtech #innovation #care