@helizabetholsen 4 years ago
This is an amazing opportunity to contribute to a growing team @Medic doing #DataScience in #globalhealth with a focus on #CHWs #equity and #innovation! https://twitter.com/Medic/status/1220141033427632128
@AndrewMakeTweet 5 years ago
... But I’m still shocked by how little traction it’s gotten with medical news like @statnews, local news like @NYDailyNews @NYTMetro, and in the #GlobalHealth and #DataScience communities. Hoping places like @FastCompany or @SSIReview will highlight this.
@Primary_Immune 6 years ago
50 #Science Breakthroughs That Have, And Will Save, Lives Immeasurable - Medical Topics Abound! https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/03/the-50-most-important-life-saving-breakthroughs-in-history #IoT #IT #BigData #genetics #genomics #innovation #DataScience #AI #MedEd #technology #RareDisease #Drones #3DPrinting #GlobalHealth #pharma #biotech https://t.co/0R3baRIxHR
@Primary_Immune 6 years ago
A "Bowie-Esque" Approach to Medical #Innovation; One Interesting Read! http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/pdf/10.1089/omi.2017.0148 #SNRTG #OpenScience #RareDisease #genomics #science #DataScience #DavidBowie #ITRTG #BigData #biotech #GlobalHealth #innovation https://t.co/06z6sYRlsx