@MinuteArticle 1 year ago
A minute read #healthcare https://minutearticle.com/article/?id=the-world-of-cdss-where-medical-records-never-rest_2022111509095144by-Madhavi #MinuteArticle #blog #AI #MachineLearning #Medical #Python #Java #javascript #womenintech #100DaysOfCode #DataScience #opensource #Serverless #EHR #Digital #DigitalTransformation #CloudComputing #data #Bigdata #cyber #Automation
@Khulood_Almani 1 year ago
What are the8⃣ #Medical Procedures that are Improving Lives? #Healthtech #digitalhealth #TechForGood #innovation #Digital #coding #100DaysOfCode #Bot #DataScience #Bigdata #Python #javascript #Programming #flutter #TensorFlow #twitme #nodejs #WomenInSTEM https://t.co/vJ7OO5w308
@Khulood_Almani 2 years ago
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@chidambara09 2 years ago
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