@sonu_monika 2 years ago
Can tech solve the UK #radiology staffing shortage? https://www.medicaldevice-network.com/features/tech-uk-radiologist-shortage/ via @MedicalTechMag #DigitalHealth #telehealth #AI #NLP #MachineLearning #Analytics #BigData #Serverless #flutter #EHR #EmergingTech #EMR #HealthTech #healthequity #primarycare #diagnosis @sonu_monika
@charlesweijer 4 years ago
Ethics of #diagnosis by machine learning @JME_BMJ. #AI "Whereas involving #MachineLearning might improve the accuracy of medical diagnosis, it comes at the expense of opacity when trying to assess the reliability of given diagnosis." #bioethics https://jme.bmj.com/content/early/2019/11/20/medethics-2019-105586
@AISOMA_AG 5 years ago
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare - Promising Use Cases #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #MedTech #HealthTech #healthcare #MachineLearning #ML #Analytics #BigDataAnalytics #Diagnosis #Medical #ComputerVision #innovation #cancer @ipfconline1 https://www.aisoma.de/artificial-intelligence-in-healthcare-promising-progress-best-use-cases/
@AISOMA_LAB 5 years ago
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare - Promising Progress (Best Use Cases) #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #MedTech #HealthTech #medicine #healthcare #MachineLearning #ML #Analytics #BigDataAnalytics #Diagnosis #Medical #ComputerVision #innovation #UseCases https://www.aisoma.de/artificial-intelligence-in-healthcare-promising-progress-best-use-cases/
@AISOMA_AG 5 years ago
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare - Promising Progress (Best Use Cases) #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #MedTech #HealthTech #healthcare #MachineLearning #ML #Analytics #BigDataAnalytics #Diagnosis #Medical #ComputerVision #innovation #UseCases #AISOMA https://www.aisoma.de/artificial-intelligence-in-healthcare-promising-progress-best-use-cases/
@CatherineAdenle 5 years ago
The Real Future Of #ArtificialIntelligence & #Cancer. #Medicine is already benefitting greatly from #machinelearning in areas from #diagnosis to treatment, & we’ve barely scratched the surface https://www.forbes.com/sites/paularmstrongtech/2018/07/26/the-real-future-of-artificial-intelligence-and-cancer/ #healthcare #healthtech #BigData #AI #ML #DL #data
@GeberConsulting 6 years ago
Stanford Algorithm Can Diagnose Pneumonia Better Than Radiologists http://ed.gr/h3dl #medtech #radiology #medicine #machinelearning #diagnosis #ML #AI #ArtificalIntelligence
@ahier 7 years ago
Sorting out artificial intelligence in #healthcare/#medicine#ai #machinelearning #radiology #diagnosis #oncology… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/864185888569311232