@CodeBug88 3 years ago
Expecting someone to be an expert with several years of exp in Python/R/Tensorflow/Pytorch/SQL/Stats/NLP/CompVision/Spark is like expecting a medic to be an expert in pediatrics/neurology/dermatology/nephrology all at once #HRDoesntKnoWhatIsDoing #DataScience
@ReasonedMarine 4 years ago
Isolation Projects 1. Become #DataScience expert 2. Learn to play electric #guitar 🤘 3. Publish more books 4. Find solution to America's #healthcare problem 5. Design perfect #cannabis medication for treatment of #inflammation 6. Finalize my autobiography 7. Smile every day
@MPI_IS 4 years ago
Are you a #datascience expert? Would you like to support medical professionals and life scientists in the fight against #Covid_19? Join @MPI_IS scientists and others in the new @DataVSCovid initiative and contribute your skills! #aiforgood