@yvessj_aquino 1 year ago
Wonderful @Sydney_Ideas conversation with @FrankPasquale, @JustinSkowno and @kim_weatherall regarding medical #artificialintelligence. Similar issues raised in our studies @DiagnosingML @stacymcarter ! #ethicalAI #datascience #medicine #healthcare
@DanielAKeane10 3 years ago
Does anyone know where to find a platform that provides #timeseries for tumor growth? 🤔 Thank you in advance for your attention! #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #Python #DataScience #DataAnalytics #100DaysOfCode #WomenWhoCode #Linux #Microsoft #medicine #Healthcare
@ReasonedMarine 4 years ago
Isolation Projects 1. Become #DataScience expert 2. Learn to play electric #guitar 🤘 3. Publish more books 4. Find solution to America's #healthcare problem 5. Design perfect #cannabis medication for treatment of #inflammation 6. Finalize my autobiography 7. Smile every day