@WIRED 10 months ago
“You have a right to your records.” This week’s @WIRED Classics revisits @Kat McGowan’s 2016 feature about our #medical records. #Data generated by your body is routinely captured and sold by #health care companies. Shouldn’t you benefit from it, too? https://www.wired.com/2016/02/our-medical-data-must-become-free/ https://t.co/OzmNFpOJLz
@HubXChange1 4 years ago
#HealthIT #MachineLearning - #ML Mixed Pooling Multi-View Attention #Autoencoder for Representation Learning in #Healthcare #Data: Electronic #Health / #Medical Records - #EHR / #EMR ️https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.06456 @HubBucket @HubXChange1 @HubBaseDB @HubAnalytics1 @HubAnalysis1 https://t.co/5tRUamIdbA
@techcrunch.com 5 years ago
Amazon’s newest service uses machine learning to extract medical data from patient records