@cheryllawson 9 years ago
Got the #Ces2015 bug. Was down for the count last night. Will be back in action today. #medic #aficionadodown
@jonathanpopp 9 years ago
The ultimate medical massage chair wins award for the best product demo ever #CES2015 http://t.co/H75UnGR2uM
@intel 9 years ago
#Drone with Intel RealSense 3D camera allows for self navigation creating new possibilities for interaction! Drones can deliver medication and life-saving interventions to remote places, inspect power lines and agricultural fields, assisting humans in many ways. With Intel RealSense 3D Camera technology, these intelligent robots open doors that can lead to amazing wonders. #CES2015
@diario_eltiempo 9 years ago
Muy buenos días, acá nuestra portada de hoy miércoles 07 de enero de 2015, Para más información visita nuestra página web www.eltiempo.com.ve y síguenos en twitter por @Diario_ElTiempo #REDES #escasez #medicinas #pais #interior #CES2015 #cencoex #MUD #homicidios #EEUU #Mexico #crimen #caigua #Caribes #Razetti #LasDelicias #vertedero #basura #atletas #anzoategui #diarioeltiempo #eltiempo #lecheria #barcelona #puertolacruz #plc #ptolacruz #oriente
Pacif-i : The World's First Bluetooth Smart Pacifier Record the temperature of your baby with Pacif-I to receive accurate and time stamped data that can be shared with caters and medical professionals #CES2015 #vegas #temperature #data #bluetooth #healthcare #wireless #baby #health
@GraylingSF 9 years ago
#CES2015 trend alert: Robots for kids. @_makewonder teaches kids to code. Rxrobots eases pain of medical treatment. http://t.co/1rjXR8Rn9V