@kelkalot 3 years ago
The paper describing one of our biggest datasets so far is now published: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-020-00622-y Hopefully it will inspire people to create reproducible and shareable research in #AI and #Medicine Blogpost: https://researchdata.springernature.com/posts/hyperkvasir-data-to-enable-ai-for-automated-gi-disease-detection #GI #MachineLearning
@engadget.com 4 years ago
Bello's belly-fat scanner should inspire you to get on the treadmill
@conventions 4 years ago
In Edinburgh, #datascience, #technology, #renewables, #lifesciences, #medicine, #education and #creative are all sectors that thrive here. Let our #historic city inspire your next event at #IMEX19 > https://bit.ly/2YRk12q #MakeItEdinburgh #EventProfs https://t.co/opK7Epb3E9