@techcrunch.com 1 year ago
My Memo adds some pill-zazz to automatic medicine dispensers
@techcrunch.com 2 years ago
Camera maker Canon leans into software at CES
@Analytics_699 2 years ago
eYs3D hits #CES with Computer Vision and #AI for Medical - AIoT - Industrial & Retail #Robotics ▶️ #Analytics #BigData #IoT #MachineLearning #Serverless #flutter #Robotic #IoMT #HealthIT #mHealth #Fintech #CES2023 #Coding #Programming #100DaysOfCode https://yhoo.it/3WHDFrZ https://t.co/s6Wz16uioe
@JimHarris 3 years ago
Fascinating ways #AI Is transforming #healthcare It's not an either/or it's an AND: AI working with medical professionals for better #health outcomes Thx Irena Tadic! #CES2022 #CES @CES #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #BigData #DataScience #MachineLearning https://t.co/rHzpqXEXY2
@fikafuntimes 3 years ago
How @neuralink #chip would be working! @elonmusk #AI #ML #medical #future #healthtech #tech #data #Engineering #Science #javascript #FemTech #Flutter #React #reactjs #Serverless #coding #Linux #IoT #100DaysOfCode #CES #DataScience #CES2022 #100DaysOfMLCode #WomenInScience https://t.co/Klz1XDgrE4
@MargaretSiegien 3 years ago
How #artificialintelligence and #machinelearning will contribute to #cancer patient care and #vaccine design #CES #CES2022 #HealthTech #HealthIT #MEDTECH #AI @MargaretSiegien @PawlowskiMario @HeinzVHoenen @AvionneP @kalydeoo https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-12-artificial-intelligence-machine-contribute-cancer.html via @medical_xpress
@Sprite4it 4 years ago
Medical and Healthcare Google Slides Pitch Deck https://1.envato.market/20P7O #Analytics #AI #BigData #ML #NLP #Rstats #Reactjs #Linux #COVIDー19 #COVID19 #DEVCommunity #flutter #javascript #Coding #fintech #MachineLearning #CloudComputing #CES2021 #CES #futureofwork #100DaysOfCode https://t.co/VuKx5Ggx7g
@Sprite4it 4 years ago
Medical and Healthcare Google Slides Pitch Deck https://1.envato.market/20P7O #Analytics #AI #BigData #ML #NLP #Rstats #Reactjs #Linux #COVIDー19 #COVID19 #DEVCommunity #flutter #javascript #Coding #fintech #MachineLearning #CloudComputing #CES2021 #CES #futureofwork #100DaysOfCode https://t.co/PC8YofUb7D
@Sprite4it 4 years ago
Medical and Healthcare Google Slides Pitch Deck https://1.envato.market/20P7O #Analytics #AI #BigData #ML #NLP #Rstats #Reactjs #Linux #COVIDー19 #COVID19 #DEVCommunity #flutter #javascript #Coding #fintech #MachineLearning #CloudComputing #CES2021 #CES #futureofwork #100DaysOfCode https://t.co/s4QjHdZ6Zx
@Fabriziobustama 4 years ago
.@Zyterofficial unveils Smart Hospitals, a 5G-ready medical data and IoT system. By @VentureBeat #Healthtech #IoT #CES2021 #5G #Tech #Bigdata #innovation #CES Cc: @_atanas_ @IrmaRaste @jblefevre60 @FmFrancoise @EvanKirstel @diioannid @PawlowskiMario https://venturebeat.com/2021/01/11/zyter-unveils-smart-hospitals-a-5g-ready-medical-data-and-iot-system/amp/?__twitter_impression=true https://t.co/JbFKJCkyfo
@slashgear.com 5 years ago
Phonak Virto Black hearing aids look like regular wireless earbuds
@engadget.com 5 years ago
Amazfit's HomeStudio is a smart mirror paired with a treadmill
@engadget.com 5 years ago
DFree is making an emergency alert system for your colon
@engadget.com 5 years ago
Bello's belly-fat scanner should inspire you to get on the treadmill
@engadget.com 5 years ago
Core brings Fitbit-style tracking to your meditation sessions
@engadget.com 5 years ago
SmartTools' updated weight lifting cuffs are cheaper and more durable
@WIRED 6 years ago
Hello Samsung Bot. This robot can monitor your sleep (and give you a report on it), take your blood pressure and heart rate and remind you to take medicine. It’s made to be a companion that can be programmed remotely by caregivers or family https://wired.trib.al/KSkIgGV #CES #CES2019 https://t.co/7rOCO9ROSN
@engadget.com 6 years ago
Greetings from CES 2019!
@2morrowknight 7 years ago
This "#SelfDriving store on wheels" by @Toyota could impact every area of the economy - from ride-hailing to food delivery to medical services. https://t.co/U4l2E1AOIA #Autonomousvehicles #IoT #AI #MachineLearning #CES2018 #ces #cusrexp
@DigiHealthConf 8 years ago
The 10 Best #DigitalHealth Innovations at #CES 2017#healthcare #DigitalIndia #womenintech #MEDTECH #innovation… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/817786953940746240
@mashable.com 8 years ago
Prosthesis is a huge, terrifying exoskeleton built for real-life mech races
@techcrunch.com 8 years ago
Japet’s Atlas device uses exoskeleton technology to relieve and rehabilitate back pain
@mashable.com 8 years ago
Panasonic's GF9 is the perfect mirrorless camera for selfie lovers