@moorejh 1 year ago
Our paper on Benchmarking AutoML frameworks for disease prediction using medical claims is out in @BioDataMining https://biodatamining.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13040-022-00300-2 #automl #bioinformatics #machinelearning
@jessenleon 3 years ago
I have ~100 talented bioinformatics engineering students - Would you like to give a short zoom talk to them? Then I invite you to contact me if you are using tidyverse R in a production env. in a bio-tech/-medical/-pharma company #dataScience #bioinformatics #Tidyverse #Rstats
@techcrunch.com 4 years ago
Sequoia-backed Whole Biome wants to heal your gut with medical-grade probiotics