@afnank71 1 year ago
Just attended a fascinating webinar on the intersection of #AI and #genomics. The potential for these two fields to revolutionize medicine and healthcare is truly remarkable! #bioinformatics #machinelearning #precisionmedicine
@moorejh 2 years ago
Serious question: Are there enough AI experts to review all of the medical & clinical AI papers being submitted for publication? #informatics #machinelearning #artificialintelligence #bioinformatics
@jessenleon 3 years ago
I have ~100 talented bioinformatics engineering students - Would you like to give a short zoom talk to them? Then I invite you to contact me if you are using tidyverse R in a production env. in a bio-tech/-medical/-pharma company #dataScience #bioinformatics #Tidyverse #Rstats
@moorejh 4 years ago
Interested in chairing a unique medical school department that combines #biostatistics, #epidemiology, & #informatics? You are in luck! The @pennmedicine will launch a national search for the next chair of @UPennDBEI in February. Stay tuned! #datascience #bioinformatics #penn
@ScienceIsMetal 7 years ago
Woah.Single cell genome sequencing is going to be so great for fungal genetics!! #Fungal17 #BigData w/ @doe_jgi
@IamJenBurton 7 years ago
"10 years from now, full genome sequencing will be 100.00 and reimbursable" #precisionmedicine #bigdata