@Atos 8 years ago
#BigData and Advanced Analytics: A Lasting Investment supported by #AtosCodex via @Escandechris http://okt.to/MTBERD
@AtosCodex 8 years ago
#BigData and Advanced Analytics: A Lasting Investment supported by #AtosCodex via @Escandechris… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/813717833683189760
@DioFavatas 8 years ago
How GE Ecomagination is Embracing the Industrial Data Revolution via @FastCompany http://mydio.me/2gAQowP #BigData
@akwyz 8 years ago
Get ready to explore the @Atos vision, #Journey2020 is out! #IoT #BIgData #Cloud #DevOps #Blockchain… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/806824660641992704
@andi_staub 8 years ago
Great Post!Learn To Fail Fast - Lessons from @generalelectric @scotiabank#fintech #insurtech #startup #bigdata… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/801325174767423489
@Maersk 8 years ago
In a new project, @MaerskDrilling and @generalelectric are using #BigData to set new standards for #drilling:… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/801113321239777280
@akwyz 8 years ago
Top hashtags from the Twitter conversations focused on #SCEWC16 via @Atos #IoT#Tech#innovation#bigdata… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/798495098501758977
@Murph_CJ 8 years ago
RT @generalelectric: .@GE_oilandgas is using an augmented-reality powered Smart Helmet to optimize onsite productivity.… https://t.co/BXpTU2Kzx3
@akwyz 8 years ago
New - @Atos launches "Atos Quantum", the first quantum computing industry program in Europe. #BigData… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/795290082643247105
@FrancoisdAnselm 8 years ago
Great @Atos #DigitalExperts Network live event today @AtosBTIC in Pune with #bigdata experts @Jc_Longuet @jejesto… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/790837504916221952
@ThierryBreton 8 years ago
Presenting @Atos Social Business Center to @Dior CEO Sidney Toledano #DataViz #BigData https://t.co/zvFITCEOw5
@awadallah 8 years ago
How @Atos uses #bigdata #analytics & social media by creating the @ictcitypulse project to keep the streets safe… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/785159445387087872
@venturebeat.com 8 years ago
Alexa now talks to General Electric appliances
@gigabarb 8 years ago
RT @matteastwood: Interesting @PGelsinger factoid, @generalelectric is only original member of DJIA that is still on the index 12 decades later. #VMworld
@fadouce 8 years ago
"Technologies that will Impact your Business'@Atos @DiegoKuonen http://ascent.atos.net/look-out-2016/tech-trends/ … …#BigData #IoT https://t.co/aNaAxdNEI8
@pmarca 8 years ago
RT @Benioff: Thank you @JeffImmelt @generalelectric @GEHealthcare for the amazing work on the new imaging center @UCSFChildrens. https://t.co/QfdgOyUPGO
@FasihSandhu 8 years ago
#venturecapital for #startups related to #IndustrialInternet #iot #iiot #bigdata by @generalelectric & @FrostDataCap https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20140717153721-4114386-ge-frost-i3-venture-capital-funding-and-incubator-for-the-industrial-internet-iot-and-big-data?trk=mp-reader-card
@PLarroye 8 years ago
How #blockchain contributes to #BigData and #HPC? => http://klou.tt/oc77v7znlku2 #fintech #bitcoin #Analytics #atos