@TIB_SDM 1 year ago
#FALCON 2.0 maps the surface forms within a short text T into entities and relations in @dbpedia and @WikiResearch ➡️Visit our #demo: http://ow.ly/CBrW50MGARo ➡️Use our Web APIs: http://ow.ly/yxlJ50MGARp #BigData #MEDICINE #HEALTHCARE #WikiData https://t.co/fvKSpOo1dO
@TIB_SDM 4 years ago
#FALCON maps the surface forms within a short text T into entities and relations in @dbpedia and @WikiResearch. ➡️Visit our #demo: https://labs.tib.eu/falcon/falcon2 ➡️Use our Web APIs: https://github.com/SDM-TIB/falcon2.0 #BigData #MEDICINE #HEALTHCARE #WikiData https://t.co/QcJZQ6Pafe
@TIB_SDM 4 years ago
Are you interested in our research ⌨️❓❔These are some of our projects: @Project_IASIS, @BigMedilytics, @QualiChain, @Clarify2020, @ImProVIT_DE, @PLATOON_EU, @NoBIAS_ITN and #P4-LUCAT (Personalized medicine for lung cancer treatment). #BigData #BD #AI @TIBHannover