How smart contracts can improve efficiency in healthcare
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
AI Improves Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems | Psychology Today #healthcare #AI #MachineLearning #Analytics #BigData #DataScience #Linux #Serverless #IoT #flutter #EmergingTech #NLP #EHR #EMR #Medical #DigitalHealth #patient #health @sonu_monika 4 years ago
A minster's look at healthcare: Providing fertile ground for blockchain innovation 4 years ago
Self-driving shuttles are ferrying COVID-19 tests at a Florida clinic
@marcusborba 4 years ago
89% of #healthcare execs say #AI already is creating efficiencies in their #health systems, according KPMG’s new study @SiwickiHealthIT @HealthcareITNew #ArtificialIntelligence #DigitalTransformation #MachineLearning #Innovation #HealthTech #Medicine 4 years ago
Error leads to coronavirus patient leaving hospital early 5 years ago
After selling Auris for $3.4 billion to J&J, CEO Frederic Moll and lead investor Ajay Royan come to Disrupt
@sciencemagazine 5 years ago
Are medical #MachineLearning systems vulnerable to adversarial attacks? This week's #SciMagPolicyForum shows how it could happen—and how it could be addressed. ($) #health 5 years ago
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JetLenses aims to save you a bunch of money on your contacts 6 years ago
Apple’s iOS 11.3 electronic health record initiative ‘might be overhyped’ 6 years ago
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Revolutionary ultrasound smartphone gadget helped a doctor diagnose his own cancer 7 years ago
Blockchain is the Future of Healthcare 7 years ago
Drug Delivery Implants, Electrical Stimulation Can Manage Chronic Pain 8 years ago
Philips intros a smart health product ecosystem 8 years ago
3Scan raises $14 million for a robotic microscope that could accelerate drug discovery 8 years ago
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FDA makes official its hands-off approach to regulating health apps and medical software 9 years ago
Patient records giant Epic Systems will take a big step into the cloud in 2015 10 years ago
The Chinese government has a clear motive to steal U.S. health data 10 years ago
Nuance sends its 3 billionth medical image through the cloud