@Bugiukas 11 months ago
UPDATE➡️The free online textbook "Practical Statistics in Medicine with R" now includes an R part! https://practical-stats-med-r.netlify.app/ The print/ebook version will be published by CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group in mid-2024. #rstats #QuartoPub #tidyverse #dataviz #statistics #datascience https://t.co/yS8s89wlSv
@Parajulisaroj16 1 year ago
Statistics has become an essential tool in many fields, including science, engineering, medicine, business, and economics. https://pyoflife.com/introduction-to-basic-statistics-with-r-pdf/ #DataScience #RStats #statistics #R #programming #DataAnalytics https://t.co/tcFgxbMcTf
@Bugiukas 1 year ago
The online textbook "Practical Statistics in Medicine with R" is based on my notes from a series of practical labs at University and it is completely free for everyone. https://bougioukas-medstats-r.netlify.app/ #rstats #QuartoPub #AwesomeQuarto #tidyverse #dataviz #statistics #datascience https://t.co/mXSxqaC8g3