@noolslucas 1 year ago
Inspirational talk @ICULone about #maternalmorbidity - inclusive research, MDT, medical student (J Masterton) #bigdata. So important to think about longer term outcomes - obs patients recover physiologically quickly but more vulnerable to chronic morbidity #OAA23ASM @awisedoctor https://t.co/4kzRNWeGhg
@daniel_kraft 3 years ago
. @StuffThatWorks1 : Crowdsourced medicine- with over 20M data points from which doctors and patients can learn from 240+ chronic conditions. By @HilzFuld in the @Jerusalem_Post https://m.jpost.com/opinion/hillels-tech-corner-stuffthatworks-crowdsourced-medicine-657102 #digitalhealth #crowdsourcing #bigdata #AI