@Grepnetics 2 years ago
Xanax Party drugs Mental medicine #developer #css #java #software #javascript #Python #DataScience #DEVCommunity #100DaysOfCode #MachineLearning #IoT #flutter #javascript #Serverless #CyberSecurity #tech #DDoS #nft #NFTs #NFTCommunity #NFTartists #nftcollectors #NFTshill #NF
@MatthewRehrl 3 years ago
🤔When I go to a doctors office for the first time, I get to sign a HIPPA form, but I think I would rather see a "These are the 3rd party Vendors—such as Amazon's Comprehend Medical—we will be sharing your health data with" form! #HIPPA #BIGDATA #AI #Ethics #EHR
@JeanGeorgesAE 4 years ago
In Amsterdam for a two day meeting of the Patients and Consumers' Working Party of the European Medicines Agency @EMA_News #Regulatory science #Antimicrobial resistance #supply chain challenges #patientinvolvement #ClinicalTrials and #BigData on the agenda