@gretel_ai 2 years ago
A new study that used Gretel’s synthetic data API to augment a limited EEG dataset improved its ML model accuracy by an average of 14%. Exciting to see #syntheticdata supporting medical research. https://loom.ly/3p9wJx0 #datascience #developers https://t.co/95H1rezTis
@rfunctionaday 2 years ago
Cox regression model is widely used in medical research to assess the effect of several risk factors on survival time of patients. The {ggcoxdiagnostics} function from {survminer} can help visually assess goodness of model fit 🧐 https://rpkgs.datanovia.com/survminer/reference/ggcoxdiagnostics.html #rstats #DataScience https://t.co/3z6D7FQgL9
@EdwardTufte 5 years ago
If use of every statistical model was accompanied warnings similar to those accompanying every prescription drug. In medical research, mistakes in data analysis can shorten 1000s of lives. #biostatistics #statistics #datascience https://t.co/GhLltkd3NG