@NeurasysR 2 years ago
Deep learning model that can determine the level of dementia of a patient with Alzheimer's disease based on their MRI image. Project: https://github.com/NeurasysResearch/Alzheimer-MRI-Model- #DataScience #data #MachineLearning #open #Science #Python #100DaysOfCode #radiology #MRI #Medical #AI #Alzheimer https://t.co/M6lmEyI68L
@Gradio 2 years ago
Demo of the Day: Using a U-net for finding abnormalities in #MRI scans. Dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/mateuszbuda/lgg-mri-segmentation Colab: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1rNW2YH7DsI9mnbKtIMeolT86A3_q-3ie?authuser=1#scrollTo=Lhh1U3XHvEiC A #MachineLearning in #Medicine model 🩺 https://t.co/BkfrAjKRJq
@engadget.com 6 years ago
You'll soon be able to get a 3D printed model of your brain