@extremetech.com 1 year ago
Scientists Create Custom 3D Printed Hearts That Function Like Our Own
@extremetech.com 1 year ago
FDA Reportedly Rejected Elon Musk’s Neuralink Brain Chip Trial Over Safety Risks
@extremetech.com 1 year ago
Struggling to Pinpoint Your Digestive Issues? Swallow This Sensor
@extremetech.com 1 year ago
Prosthetic Scientists Look to Superheroes, Sci-Fi for Inspiration
@extremetech.com 1 year ago
Man Dies After Sneaking Loaded Firearm Into MRI Room
@extremetech.com 1 year ago
Researchers Block Peanut Allergy Reactions in Mice
@extremetech.com 1 year ago
A Tiny But Deadly Radioactive Capsule Has Gone Missing in Australia
@extremetech.com 1 year ago
NASA Ultrasound Technique Eliminates Kidney Stones Painlessly and Without Anesthesia
@extremetech.com 1 year ago
Real-Time Radiation Tracking Unlocks Safer Cancer Treatment
@extremetech.com 1 year ago
Scientists Discover ‘New’ Organ Hidden Within Your Face
@extremetech.com 1 year ago
Scientists Develop Cellular ‘Glue’ That Could Change Regenerative Medicine
@extremetech.com 1 year ago
New Research Explains Why Cold, Flu Viruses Are More Common in Winter
@extremetech.com 1 year ago
AI Helps Biotech Labs Generate the Building Blocks for New Drugs
@extremetech.com 1 year ago
New Wireless Smart Bandage Accelerates Chronic Wound Healing
@extremetech.com 1 year ago
Elizabeth Holmes Sentenced to More Than 11 Years in Prison for Theranos Fraud
@extremetech.com 1 year ago
Paralyzed Patients Walk Again After Life-Changing Nerve Stimulation Treatment
@extremetech.com 1 year ago
Scientists Are Testing a Personalized Skin Cancer Vaccine
@extremetech.com 1 year ago
Woman Who Can Smell Parkinson’s Helps Create Experimental Skin Swab Test
@extremetech.com 1 year ago
Scientists Have Transplanted Human Brain Cells Into Baby Rats
@extremetech.com 1 year ago
AI Tool Can Scan a Retina, Predict Heart Disease Risk in Under a Minute
@extremetech.com 2 years ago
5 Lupus Patients Are In Remission After CAR-T Cell Therapy
@extremetech.com 2 years ago
Researchers Change Blood Type of Kidneys for the First Time
@extremetech.com 2 years ago
Disturbing Robotic Slime Can Move Around Inside the Body, Pick Up Objects
@extremetech.com 2 years ago
A Surgery Robot Will Board the ISS in 2024
@extremetech.com 2 years ago
Drinking Coffee Reduces Risk of Kidney Injury, Study Finds
@extremetech.com 2 years ago
A Fourth HIV Patient Appears To Have Been Cured
@extremetech.com 2 years ago
Potential Research Fabrication Bombshell Threatens Amyloid Theory of Alzheimer’s Disease
@extremetech.com 2 years ago
Sunlight Might Make Men Hungrier Through Hormonal Changes, Study Suggests
@extremetech.com 2 years ago
Mojo Vision Details Its First Smart Contact Lens
@extremetech.com 2 years ago
Failed Pig Heart Transplant Yields Unexpected Insights
@extremetech.com 2 years ago
Scientists Discover Record-Setting Bacteria That Are a Centimeter Long
@extremetech.com 2 years ago
A New Biogel Claims to Repair Heart Attack Damage
@extremetech.com 2 years ago
Dolphins Recognize Companions By the Taste Of Their Urine
@extremetech.com 2 years ago
Dolphins May Medicate Themselves With Coral
@extremetech.com 2 years ago
Partially Destroying Tumors With Sound Allows the Immune System to Finish the Job
@extremetech.com 2 years ago
EU Approves First AI For Analyzing X-Rays Automatically
@extremetech.com 2 years ago
North America’s First Skull Surgery Was At Least 3,000 Years Ago
@extremetech.com 2 years ago
Russian Troops Reportedly Irradiated After Bumbling Around in Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
@extremetech.com 2 years ago
Sea Snail Venom Could Be the Secret to Less Addictive Painkillers
@extremetech.com 6 years ago
Google Builds Augmented Reality Microscope to Detect Cancer
@extremetech.com 6 years ago
Tiny Injectable Chip Can Monitor Alcohol Levels in the Body
@extremetech.com 6 years ago
VR and Now AR Medical Solutions Are Gaining Ground in Hospitals
@extremetech.com 6 years ago
How Amazon Could Succeed in Overturning the Old Healthcare Model
@extremetech.com 6 years ago
Google Neural Network Can Predict Health Status From Your Retina
@extremetech.com 6 years ago
23andMe, Michael J. Fox Foundation to Study Genetic Factors of Parkinson’s
@extremetech.com 6 years ago
Scientists Learn How Your Cells Help Influenza Evolve Faster
@extremetech.com 6 years ago
What is Cord Blood Banking?
@extremetech.com 7 years ago
Scientists Design Micromotor to Deliver Antibiotics