@drPaulElbers 2 years ago
This Friday, May 28th at 14:30 --> ESICM Datathon Grand Finale. Join us for the best of the best in data science for intensive care medicine Free event, register now: https://esicm-tv.org/fr/live/datathon-2021-grand-final/3e4f2760870eb7eb7238478d51dbb192b87f07e9 #ai #ml #datascience #icu @ESICM @avkwong https://t.co/I7dg0TizDo
@nicktatonetti 4 years ago
AI in medicine and science is a growth field and @dr_amit_kaushal and @Rbaltman elegantly lay out why https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-03849-x #ML #AI #healthcare #DataScience
@daniel_kraft 4 years ago
An interactive data-science system called Northstar from @MIT & @BrownUniversity aims to democratize data science by making it easy for nonspecialists to use machine-learning models to make predictions for medicine & beyond http://news.mit.edu/2019/drag-drop-data-analytics-0627 #AI #ML #BigData h/t @ZGJR