@thenextweb.com 3 months ago
Sertraline only works for 1 in 3 depression patients, AI study finds
@majfbi 3 years ago
I successfully completed the "AI for Medicine Specialization". It has been fun learning of applying AI in diagnostics of conditions, predicting outcomes, and recommending better treatments. .https://coursera.org/share/92d94e32f218462aa2e7f2f34e3ad07a #Coursera #aihealthcare #machinelearning #datascience
@venturebeat.com 4 years ago
Nvidia uses federated learning to create medical imaging AI
@axial_3D 5 years ago
This Thursday, @cathycoomber and @HaslamNiall join the #AI track at @beltech2019 to discuss the use of #MachineLearning in #MedicalImaging, and what it means for patients. Don't miss 'Patient Data Made Real: Applying Machine Learning to Medical Imaging'! #Beltech19 https://t.co/KwTO3ubn5R
@techcrunch.com 6 years ago
DeepMind Health inks another 5-year NHS app deal in face of ongoing controversy