@MLRepositories 1 year ago
Dilated-Inception-U-Net-for-Nuclei-Segmentation-in-Multi-Organ-Histology-Images: Medical image processing using mac ... Lang: Jupyter Notebook ⭐️ 4 #MachineLearning https://github.com/yugantgajera/Dilated-Inception-U-Net-for-Nuclei-Segmentation-in-Multi-Organ-Histology-Images
@ebojacko 1 year ago
#Python can turn you into a medical doctor So I spent the day analysing data of 70000 patients from a hospital using python and jupyter notebook. Cholesterol and Weight are the 2 big diff between those with/without cardio disease #100DaysOfCode #Coding #DataScience https://t.co/xL1lW6QYUL