@jiajiezhang100 1 year ago
Got an autograph from Peter Lee, one of the authors of “The AI Revolution in Medicine”, at @HIMSS 2023 Microsoft Booth. @UTHealth_SBMI @UTHealthHouston @AMIAinformatics #AI #LLM #chatgpt #informatics #machinelearning https://t.co/OHy0UJ2f6Q
@moorejh 4 years ago
Federated learning in medicine: facilitating multi-institutional collaborations without sharing patient data https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-69250-1 #informatics #machinelearning #privacy #security
@moorejh 4 years ago
Interested applying ML & AI to electronic health record data? Join me at 10:40am EDT for my TransMed 2020 keynote on 20 challenges for AI in medicine as part of #ISMB2020 https://www.iscb.org/cms_addon/conferences/ismb2020/tracks/transmedcosi #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #EHR #informatics #bioinformatics
@moorejh 5 years ago
Guidelines for reinforcement learning in healthcare - Nature Medicine https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-018-0310-5 #machinelearning #datascience #informatics #ESEHDWorkshop
@moorejh 6 years ago
High-Definition Medicine http://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(17)30932-7 #genomics #informatics #healthit #bigdata https://t.co/jhOKLkbjDC