@ResearchUsmf 2 years ago
Professor @serghei_mangul thank you for inspiring state of the art lecture on #BigData in #medicine and #Bioinformatics in 2021! @MangulLab @SUMPh_Moldova @BSM_USMF https://usmf.md/ro/noutati/conferentiarul-serghei-mangul-datele-deschise-si-metodele-de-bioinformatica-sunt-un
@adriana_donati 3 years ago
S. Korean paper does not state that kids are spreading the #WuhanVirus! Report found that it was extremely rare for children to bring an infection into the home. Many so called Medical people are lying! Science Stupid! #FactsMatter #DataScience https://thefederalist.com/2020/07/22/new-york-times-hyped-korean-report-actually-shows-kids-are-not-spreading-coronavirus/
@SwissCognitive 4 years ago
“#MachineLearning is particularly good at identifying patterns, which is deeply relevant to assessing patient risk. Risk scores are useful for communicating patient state, which is valuable in making efficient care decisions.” http://ow.ly/bAfz30px9lg #Healthcare #Medicine #AI