@Primary_Immune 3 years ago
"In a study of 11 medical-mystery patients, an international team of researchers has discovered a new and unique form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis pediatric-onset (ALS)" https://www.ninds.nih.gov/News-Events/News-and-Press-Releases/Press-Releases/Scientists-discover-new-genetic-form-ALS-children #bioinformatics #bigdata #itrtg #scicomm #openscience #genomics #raredisease https://t.co/TOqH4vXzuJ
@MatthewRehrl 3 years ago
🤔When I go to a doctors office for the first time, I get to sign a HIPPA form, but I think I would rather see a "These are the 3rd party Vendors—such as Amazon's Comprehend Medical—we will be sharing your health data with" form! #HIPPA #BIGDATA #AI #Ethics #EHR
@Hragy 4 years ago
#Egypt has no medical data collection/ patient records on any modern internationally recognizable form,we are a 100 million person country with strong medical establishments without data! Must end this,I will start campaigning on Cardiology level first. #BigData