Five things we need to do to make contact tracing really work
@debsimpson3 4 years ago
A3 #HMIChat MegaTrend of #BigData in medical education is really going to allow personalized, adapted guidance to learners and teachers. @marctriola et al have already show it's potential - let10.4300/JGME-D-11-00312.1 Let's go #MedEd!! @ASU has been at this awhile.
@TGrantcharovMD 6 years ago
Really enjoyed my discussion today with impressive students and faculty @HopkinsEngineer. Exciting opportunities for collaboration in the area of #AI #DataScience and #medicine to make #surgicaleducation better and #surgery safer. @malpani_anand thank you for hosting! #ORBlackBox
@BenBajarin 7 years ago
RT @fraserspeirs: The actual “future of personal computing” for most is really the smartphone though, isn’t it? 9 years ago
How researchers probe the secrets in our blood
@om 9 years ago
Way too happy gate attendants and then really surly flight attendants -- someone needs to modify @VirginAmerica medications to add normalcy