@michigan_AI 3 years ago
New #machinelearning approaches from Michigan AI, Michigan Medicine, & the School of Public Health proposes to increase the efficiency of downstream analyses, enabling microbiome research that has the potential to transform future medical care. https://ai.engin.umich.edu/stories/precision-health-in-the-palm-of-your-hand
@michigan_AI 3 years ago
These #MachineLearning approaches from Michigan AI, Michigan Medicine, and the School of Public Health proposes to increase the efficiency of downstream analyses, enabling microbiome research that has the potential to transform future medical care. https://ai.engin.umich.edu/stories/precision-health-in-the-palm-of-your-hand
@Deep_In_Depth 4 years ago
Google proposes hybrid approach to AI transfer learning for medical imaging https://buff.ly/38my0ir #DeepLearning #MachineLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #DataScience #DL #ML #DS #AI #DNN #NeuralNetworks #NLP #GPU #TensorFlow #Keras #Pytorch #Python #HPC #Automation
@ColineAtLogikk 4 years ago
Google proposes hybrid approach to AI transfer learning for medical imaging https://buff.ly/38my0ir #DataScience #Algorithm #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #ML #DL #DataScience #ArtificialIntelligence #AI https://t.co/IqgLEvQRih
@venturebeat.com 4 years ago
Google proposes hybrid approach to AI transfer learning for medical imaging