@lavanyaai 4 years ago
How can deep learning help triage medical images? Take a closer look at detecting lung disease from chest xrays in this great report by @metaphdor. ‍⚕️ #machinelearning #deeplearning #100daysofmlcode https://app.wandb.ai/stacey/xray/reports/X-Ray-Illumination--Vmlldzo4MzA5MQ?utm_source=social_twitter&utm_medium=report&utm_campaign=report_healthcare
@engadget.com 4 years ago
IBM AI helps predict breast cancer a year before it appears
@IainLJBrown 5 years ago
Using deep learning for tumor segmentation in medical images #DataScience #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #NLP #Robots #AI #IoT #BigData CC: @alvinfoo @HaroldSinnott http://bit.ly/2U5fqnx
@xconomy.com 5 years ago
AlwaysAI Adds $4M to Bring Deep Learning to Embedded ‘Edge’ Devices
@techcrunch.com 5 years ago
China’s Infervision is helping 280 hospitals worldwide detect cancers from images
@PyImageSearch 5 years ago
New tutorial! Deep learning, hydroponics, and...medical marijuana?🤔 Discover how #DeepLearning + #Python are being used to non-invasively classify plant root health via images, increasing farm/crop yields: http://pyimg.co/tx8nz #MachineLearning #Keras #AI #DataScience https://t.co/DjMhHtsIeU
@venturebeat.com 8 years ago
Deep learning startup Enlitic raises $10M from radiology company Capitol Health
@venturebeat.com 9 years ago
Meet Enlitic, a startup that will help doctors analyze images with deep learning