@known_med 2 years ago
Our CTO @KR_Skelly is presenting at @RecursionPharma's #DataScience meet-up today! She will be sharing more about how our data collection at Known Medicine is creating better outcomes for cancer patients. Sign up with the link below! #TheFutureisKnown https://twitter.com/recursionpharma/status/1522224198768230401
@icymi_r 2 years ago
✍️🩺 Medical R: Creating Mini learnr Apps and Hosting on a Server: This post will explain how to create your own learnr apps and push them to an RStudio Server Open Source server. Peter Higgins @ibddoctor https://higgi13425.github.io/medical_r/posts/2020-12-27-creating-mini-learnr-apps-and-hosting-on-a-server/ #rstats #datascience
@JIsenbergMD 4 years ago
#3Dscanning+#3DPrinting patient's pancreas, #MachineLearning a slide? What is the FIRST STEP for when creating in medicine? @JuliaHlna advocates planning for privacy impact analysis at a project's start not end, since risks >> deadlines! Wish I was at #3dmed19 🇦🇺🇨🇦cc @JasamineCB https://twitter.com/ozvascdoc/status/1195544599873245184
@WIRED 6 years ago
To catch regulators up to Silicon Valley speed, the FDA is creating a new unit dedicated strictly to digital health.
@WIRED 7 years ago
To catch regulators up to Silicon Valley speed, the FDA is creating a new unit dedicated strictly to digital health.
@awadallah 7 years ago
How @Atos uses #bigdata #analytics & social media by creating the @ictcitypulse project to keep the streets safe… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/785159445387087872