@Medici1 1 year ago
Our #DataScience team does not receive enough credit (while we are at it, neither do our photojournalists). On the data side, tt would be interesting to ingest data like this into @waze to create a speed-trap probability score. https://www.expressnews.com/projects/2021/texas-traffic-stop-map/
@asifrazzaq1988 2 years ago
MIT Researchers Introduce ‘MedKnowts’, A System That Combines Machine Learning And Human-Computer Interaction To Create A Better EHR Quick Read: https://www.marktechpost.com/2021/09/24/mit-researchers-introduce-medknowts-a-system-that-combines-machine-learning-and-human-computer-interaction-to-create-a-better-ehr/ #ArtificialIntelligence #machinelearning #AI #EHR #Medical
@icymi_r 2 years ago
✍️🩺 Medical R: Creating Mini learnr Apps and Hosting on a Server: This post will explain how to create your own learnr apps and push them to an RStudio Server Open Source server. Peter Higgins @ibddoctor https://higgi13425.github.io/medical_r/posts/2020-12-27-creating-mini-learnr-apps-and-hosting-on-a-server/ #rstats #datascience
@SynBioBeta 3 years ago
Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have combined #syntheticbiology with a #machinelearning algorithm to create human liver organoids with blood- and bile-handling systems. https://bit.ly/36SDl2h #synbio
@miguearmengol 3 years ago
We are inviting papers exploring ways to reduce #MachineLearning bias in healthcare or create algorithms that specifically alleviate inequalities. Publish your research in the British Medical Journal Health and Care Informatics. #FairnessMedicalML https://twitter.com/MITCriticalData/status/1323337994519064578
@kelkalot 3 years ago
The paper describing one of our biggest datasets so far is now published: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-020-00622-y Hopefully it will inspire people to create reproducible and shareable research in #AI and #Medicine Blogpost: https://researchdata.springernature.com/posts/hyperkvasir-data-to-enable-ai-for-automated-gi-disease-detection #GI #MachineLearning
@Getting_Smart 3 years ago
This recent post explores what we can learn from studying how #AI is used to create content in areas such as books, business and legal, medicine, song writing and visual arts. #EdLeaders #Teachers #Students #MachineLearning https://bit.ly/3gbmHwK