@CioAmaro 2 years ago
How to Safeguard Humanity in a Context of Excessive Automation?  - MedicalExpo e-Magazine https://j.mp/3FAL97U #Robot #Robotics #Automation #Bots #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #AugmentedIntelligence #AI #DL #ML #Tech #Technology #health https://t.co/5FrX3RK0Wl
@CioAmaro 3 years ago
Robotic car uses AI to deliver care home medicine via Reuters #Robot #Robotics #Automation #Bots #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #MachineIntelligence #AugmentedIntelligence #AI #DL #ML #Tech #Technology #delivery #medicine #Health https://t.co/WpbzPNYNhU
@CioAmaro 3 years ago
Robotic car uses AI to deliver care home medicine via Reuters #Robot #Robotics #Automation #Bots #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #MachineIntelligence #AugmentedIntelligence #AI #DL #ML #Tech #Technology #delivery #medicine #Health https://t.co/vjooAmWuRK
@lyakovet 3 years ago
"The World is Losing $10 Trillion Per Year Due to Fraud, Medical Errors, Work Related Accidents & Human Errors." #saugatalks with @pascal_bornet #intelligentautomation #automation #hyperautomation #business #technology #tech #ArtificialIntelligence #machinelearning #AI #4IR https://t.co/xi0ad5zy51
@realColinMac 4 years ago
⭕ A #robot named Xiaoyi from iFlytek passed Chinas medical exam with a score of 456 out of 600 (96pts higher than required) #ArtificialIntelligence #MedTech #HealthTech #automation #100DaysOfCode #technology #Robotics #BigData #STEM #MachineLearning https://t.co/UnuTrgggaK
@makerdemy 4 years ago
Campus rallies to 3-D print protective medical gear https://www.mexicoledger.com/news/20200323/campus-rallies-to-3-d-print-protective-medical-gear #robot #technology #engineering #arduino #stem #tech #artificialintelligence #automation #ai #raspberrypi #machinelearning #robotics
@makerdemy 4 years ago
SymphonyAI Group adds TeraRecon's medical imaging analysis tech to its portfolio https://www.mobihealthnews.com/news/symphonyai-group-adds-terarecons-medical-imaging-analysis-tech-its-portfolio #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #ai #technology #datascience #bigdata #deeplearning #tech #innovation #automation #ml #cloudcomputing
@makerdemy 4 years ago
Disinfection robots make medical magic in China https://technology.inquirer.net/96449/disinfection-robots-make-medical-magic-in-china #robot #technology #engineering #arduino #stem #tech #artificialintelligence #automation #ai #raspberrypi #machinelearning #robotics