@HDR_UK 2 years ago
Your monthly edition of #HIVE is now available!! Inclusive of global #datascience uncovering the impact of #COVID19, new #metadata standards to enhance #health #research, medication for improving COVID-19 outcomes + much more. ➡️ Read it now: https://bit.ly/3IUFvy4 https://t.co/slVVKrnPDJ
@INM7_ISN 2 years ago
Postdoc position available @HHU_de & @fz_juelich We are looking for a new colleague to work on an interdisciplinary project - #DataScience & #MachineLearning on medical data - Strong team with excellent infrastructure - Duration of the position on to 4 years ! https://t.co/PTUMPk2398
@jma0611 4 years ago
Over 24,000 coronavirus research papers are now available in one place. Open call for #AI researchers to develop new techniques for text, data mining that will help the medical community comb through information faster. #technology #datascience https://www.technologyreview.com/s/615367/coronavirus-24000-research-papers-available-open-data/
@EdwardTufte 4 years ago
Seek precise update to 2018 (or 2017) of notable @OurWorldInData graphic life expectancy vs medical care costs 1970-2014, for my new book. Need data table+sources for available countries. Will credit work, pay you. #epidemiology #statistics #datascience #healtheconomics https://t.co/l1xM1zsIWB