@andrejusb 4 years ago
Working on new #MachineLearning POC with Katana @katana_ml for Health Insurance fraud prevention - detecting medical insurance overcharging. Blue dots - valid claims, green - fraudulent claims. Our task - identify green dots within the area of the blue dots https://t.co/KMxt1zXz1f
@2morrowknight 5 years ago
Artificial Intelligence🤖 is being used by medical professionals for "cancer detection" - an area where we saw some extraordinary breakthroughs last year. https://t.co/7Qc2EULuhP #aiforgood #AI #Health #IoT #techforgood #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #cancer #SmartCities
@2morrowknight 6 years ago
#ArtificialIntelligence🤖 is being used by medical professionals for "cancer detection" - an area where we saw some extraordinary breakthroughs last year. https://t.co/7Qc2EULuhP #aiforgood #AI #Health #IoT #HealthTech #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #bigdata #cancer #SmartCity
@2morrowknight 6 years ago
This "#SelfDriving store on wheels" by @Toyota could impact every area of the economy - from ride-hailing to food delivery to medical services. https://t.co/U4l2E1AOIA #Autonomousvehicles #IoT #AI #MachineLearning #CES2018 #ces #cusrexp
@RasuShrestha 6 years ago
Great question from a medical student from Spain at #xMed to Ray Kurzweil "What area should I specialize in?"Ray's answer: ✔Learn data science.✔Think holistically across body systems, not narrowly. #AI #MachineLearning https://t.co/Iuxvzv32mJ