@ResearchGermany 2 years ago
How do cancer cells differ from healthy cells? A new #MachineLearning algorithm knows the answer. Read more about the work of researchers at @MDC_Berlin here http://ow.ly/AIqf50JvFq6 #CancerResearch #Bioinformatics #Medicine
@freddytn 2 years ago
New #AI #DeepLearning #technology algorithm trained to optimize doses of propofol to maintain unconsciousness during general #anesthesia could augment patient monitoring #health #healthcare #medicine #MachineLearning @MIT @MIT_IMES @mit_hst @MIT_Picower https://news.mit.edu/2022/research-advances-technology-ai-assistance-anesthesiologists-0214
@venturebeat.com 3 years ago
Researchers find flaws in algorithm used to identify atypical medication orders
@TU_Muenchen 4 years ago
A combination of #tissueclearing and a #deeplearning algorithm allows the visualization of the entire vascular network of a mouse #brain down to the smallest #capillaries: http://go.tum.de/964200 #machinelearning #medicine #fluorescenceimaging
@engadget.com 4 years ago
The FDA is fast-tracking an algorithm that screens for heart failure
@engadget.com 4 years ago
Healthcare risk algorithm had 'significant racial bias'
@engadget.com 4 years ago
MIT’s algorithm could improve imaging techniques used during pregnancy
@engadget.com 5 years ago
Google model identifies restaurants that could give you food poisoning
@extremetech.com 6 years ago
MIT Neural Network Accelerates MRI Image Processing by 1,000 Times
@GeberConsulting 6 years ago
Stanford Algorithm Can Diagnose Pneumonia Better Than Radiologists http://ed.gr/h3dl #medtech #radiology #medicine #machinelearning #diagnosis #ML #AI #ArtificalIntelligence
@extremetech.com 7 years ago
Depressed or Suicidal? AI Algorithm Detects What’s Hidden Beneath the Smile
@DeepLearn007 7 years ago
#Columbia + #Princeton TeraStructure #machinelearning algorithm for giant #data sets #personalized #medicine #tech… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/796771811581108224