@Rahul00811 2 years ago
#Day25 ✅"If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea ✅If the implementation is easy to explain,it may be a good idea" Project incomplete ✅ Medical Data visualizer #100DaysOfCode #100DaysOfPython #DataScience #Python @freeCodeCamp
@Rahul00811 2 years ago
#Day18 Errors should never pass silently. Project incomplete ✅ Medical Data visualizer #100DaysOfCode #100DaysOfPython #DataScience #Python @freeCodeCamp
@Rahul00811 2 years ago
#Day16 Data analysis with python certification Project ongoing ✅ Medical Data Visualizer #100DaysOfCode #100DaysOfPython #DataScience #Python @freeCodeCamp
@stigmarelius 3 years ago
#Day60 of #100DaysofCode Spent the evening working on the medical examiner data project... Slowly but surely making progress here! #pandas #python #datascience #dataanalytics
@SwearyStats 5 years ago
On a panel at #CogX2019 today discussing AI/ML in health and a quick mention about our synthetic medical data project. Come along and chant in Binary (Assembly also fine) and ask questions :D #AI #MachineLearning #DataScience @DataLabScotland
@newsbtc.com 6 years ago
Project Interlinking Blockchain and Genomics Raises $824k Ahead of ICO Closure