@fikafuntimes 2 years ago
How @neuralink #chip would be working! @elonmusk #AI #ML #medical #future #healthtech #tech #data #Engineering #Science #javascript #FemTech #Flutter #React #reactjs #Serverless #coding #Linux #IoT #100DaysOfCode #CES #DataScience #CES2022 #100DaysOfMLCode #WomenInScience https://t.co/Klz1XDgrE4
@_Sivasai 2 years ago
#Digital technologies facilitate #medical decision-making https://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/digital-technologies-facilitate-medical-decision-making via @HealthITNews #HospitalsTalkToLovedOnes #ML #AI #5G #DataScience #100DaysOfCode #Python #BigData #robots #Industry40 #tech #BioInformatics #INPST #WomenInSTEM #STEM #mhealth #100DaysOfMLCode
@AIEthicsWatch 3 years ago
#Medical devices #AI/#ML poorly regulated at @algorithmwatch #AIEthics #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #Algorithms #Data #Digital #Tech #Ethics #Policy #Governance #DataEthics #DigitalEthics #TechEthics #AIPolicy #Health #HealthTech h/t @__LENIA https://algorithmwatch.org/en/story/medical-devices/
@NancyTr83158469 3 years ago
⭕️This is how Japanese ingenuity saving lives by using #AI #algorithms! Via @abhishek__AI #healthcare #HealthTech #DataScience #ML #Medical #Futurework #engineering #innovations #Health #data #tech #FemTech #100DaysOfCode #100DaysOfMLCode https://twitter.com/abhishek__AI/status/1353699061984059392
@NancyTr83158469 3 years ago
▶️Smart #skin in #3d display Via @Seeker #AI #ML #health #HealthTech #heathcare #medical #DevOps #Linux #Serverless #DataScience #FemTech #100DaysOfCode #tech #EmergingMed #100DaysOfMLCode #100DaysOfCloud https://twitter.com/NancyTr83158469/status/1338655732095463425
@DRajesh_UG4PH 3 years ago
#AI Can Read A #Cardiac #MRI In 4 Seconds: The present & future of automated #MachineLearning programs that have the ability to significantly increase the speed of analysis. But it’s not ready for prime time just yet. #tech #IoT #futureofwork #ML #Medical https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertglatter/2019/09/28/ai-can-read-a-cardiac-mri-in-4-seconds-do-we-still-need-human-input/amp/
@HealthierRec 5 years ago
This #MachineLearning powered #3Dprinted pen helps surgeons detect #cancer in seconds. #Digitalhealth #tech #news #ML #DL #AI #artificialintelligence #IoT #3Dprinting #mpgvip #bigdata #innovation #future #medical #automation #HealthTech #video #health #healthcare #care https://t.co/n2cZmvorXZ
@HealthierRec 6 years ago
This #MachineLearning powered #3Dprinted pen helps surgeons detect #cancer in seconds. #Digitalhealth #tech #news #ML #DL #AI #artificialintelligence #IoT #3Dprinting #mpgvip #bigdata #innovation #future #medical #automation #HealthTech #video #health #healthcare #care https://t.co/ZMq8PYUn8M
@MHiesboeck 6 years ago
This #MachineLearning powered #3Dprinted pen helps surgeons detect #cancer in seconds #Digitalhealth #tech #news #ML #DL #AI #artificialintelligence #IoT #3Dprinting #mpgvip #bigdata #innovation #future #medical #automation #HealthTech #video #health #healthcare #care https://t.co/uN1JICzGR0
@HealthierRec 6 years ago
This #MachineLearning powered #3Dprinted pen helps surgeons detect #cancer in seconds. #Digitalhealth #tech #news #ML #DL #AI #artificialintelligence #IoT #3Dprinting #mpgvip #bigdata #innovation #future #medical #automation #HealthTech #video #health #healthcare #care #IIoT https://t.co/lBOuaUbVzA
@HealthierRec 6 years ago
This #MachineLearning powered #3Dprinted pen helps surgeons detect #cancer in seconds. #Digitalhealth #tech #news #ML #DL #AI #artificialintelligence #IoT #3Dprinting #mpgvip #bigdata #innovation #future #medical #automation #HealthTech #video #health #healthcare #care https://t.co/KTDZRfqzsb
@PBalakrishnaRao 6 years ago
This #MachineLearning powered #3dprinted pen helps surgeons detect cancer in seconds.  #Digitalhealth #tech #news #ML #DL #AI #artificialintelligence #IoT #3Dprinting #mpgvip #bigdata #innovation #future #medical #automation #spdc #HealthTech CC: @evankirstel @DeepLearn007 https://t.co/YZuUND5wp6
@NeuroYoder 6 years ago
#BigData & #IoT Can Solve Some Difficult #Medical Problemshttp://sumo.ly/FUDe via @7wData#Tech #Science #Innovation #Analytics #AI #ML https://t.co/8QFMwwqVZj