@AGKBorgwardt 2 years ago
Tomorrow, November 15 at 9:10 AM CET, @kmborgwardt will deliver a keynote talk at #CIBB2021 on "Predicting medical complications in intensive care: early recognition of #Sepsis using #MachineLearning" https://davidechicco.github.io/cibb2021/index.html https://t.co/dLRJa6QBQJ
@bhavani_md 2 years ago
#NIH K23 funded @EmoryDeptofMed Thanks to Craig Coopersmith @ECCC May Wang @MLatGT Matt Churpek @UW_ICU_DataSci @DrPhilipVerhoef & countless others @UChicagoPCCM @EmoryPCCM Excited to work on identifying precision medicine approaches to #sepsis using #MachineLearning @nigms https://t.co/WMsqsDOUi5
@kmborgwardt 3 years ago
New article for anyone interested in predicting #sepsis (or other medical complications): "Early Prediction of Sepsis in the ICU Using #MachineLearning: A Systematic Review" https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fmed.2021.607952 w/ @Michael_D_Moor @Pseudomanifold @ExpectationMax @Jutzeler_Cathy @AGKBorgwardt