@raphg 2 years ago
Our new website is finally live: https://www.chuv.ch/en/bdsc/ @CHUVLausanne @unil Content will be added as we grow, but it's a good start if you want to learn who we are and what we do. #datascience #Switzerland #Lausanne #personalized #medicine Come join us! #jobs
@lyakovet 2 years ago
"#QuantumComputing and #AI Possibilities in #Healthcare, #drugdiscovery, #personalized #medicine #saugatalks with @DeepLearn007 and @Davor48432610: https://youtu.be/1e6KkDwXj6s #ArtificialIntelligence #HealthTech #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #aiforgood #tech #TechForGood https://t.co/XbSUYYhYB7
@VandorenWinthe 2 years ago
A #selfie to detect #CAD? 🤪 technology is innovating. That’s what Dr. Gry Dahle presented at @EACTS. Very nice presentation about #personalized medicine, #MachineLearning and #AI. #interventionalcardiology https://t.co/hSaM9RTYQN
@Michael_D_Moor 3 years ago
Thanks @SSB_RM @elia_guzzi for inviting us (@Pseudomanifold and me) to present some of our lab's work in #MachineLearning for #Personalized #Medicine. @AGKBorgwardt Great discussion at the end! Slides will follow. 1/2 https://t.co/7LEbpoX0nB
@f2harrell 4 years ago
My #Statistics new year goals from 2018-9 remain intact; greatest progress has been more usage of Bayesian methods and more realism about #MachineLearning and #personalized / precision medicine : http://fharrell.com/post/new-year-goals
@kiranshaw 5 years ago
A Hyderabad-based #startup has designed an integrated #healthtech platform that can read medical data from health records, predict health risks and offer #personalized recommendations with the help of #AI and #datascience https://bit.ly/2FvuSXe
@markpun 5 years ago
Pleased to announce @PhenoMxInc to #Exhibit #Personalized #Digital #PhysicalExam at @ExponentialMed next week in #SanDiego! @girisriniv1 https://exponential.singularityu.org/medicine/ #xMed #DigitalHealth #HealthTech #Startup #Innovation #G4A #JLABS #Medicine #AI #BigData #healthcare #PrecisionMed https://t.co/b7bFsIAW1I
@DeepLearn007 7 years ago
#Columbia + #Princeton TeraStructure #machinelearning algorithm for giant #data sets #personalized #medicine #tech… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/796771811581108224
@ARTEMIA_Comm 8 years ago
Patient experience, #personalized medicine, #bigdata get most investment in 1st half of 2016 http://buff.ly/29p7AwV https://t.co/G0ulzOLFOR
@GeorgeShiber 8 years ago
6 Ways #BigData Is Driving the #Personalized #Medicine Revolution - InformationWeek http://www.informationweek.com/healthcare/analytics/6-ways-big-data-is-driving-personalized-medicine-revolution/d/d-id/1322755 via InformationWeek #Genetics